Dear Valued Interested Persons,
Over coming weeks OBA Consulting will be meeting with a number of prominent Australian General Insurers to submit a concept proposal form we have designed for Livestock Drought Insurance – attached.
Whilst this is not the first time we have met with Insurers it is still an exciting development in this journey.
Utilising 20 years Insurance experience and 35 years Rural experience we have designed a proposal form to take to prominent Australian Insurers with the purpose of:
- Securing at least one and ultimately several insurers to come on board for the product;
The proposal form has been designed with an emphasis on:
- Simplicity for the Farmer/Pastoralist first & foremost; &
- Quality of information for the insurer
Many hours of self-funded* work including collaboration with leading Meteorologists, International Loss Modellers and Graphic Designers have gone into the attached concept proposal:
- Reference to ‘Insurer A’ is reference to a generic insurer, yet to be secured;
- Photos and testimonial used are for illustrative purposes only;
- The document is intentionally no longer than 2 pages;
- References to Flood are secondary to Drought, notwithstanding it was considered advantageous for Pastoralist (Wholistic Asset Protection) and Insurers (Pricing / Exposure to Loss) to include Flood;
The result is a 1, 2, 3 approach as follows:
To obtain a quote is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Know your Grid reference, Desired Herd Sum Insured and Risk Period in years;
- Contact Insurer A
- Get ready to relax and do what you do best – Farming!
The policy is intended to have 3 main insuring clauses as follows:
- Loss of Livestock;
- Livestock transportation cost;
- The purchase of feed;
We need to protect our:
27,000,000 head of cattle

45,000 Pastoralists across Australia

and our $20,000,000,000 Red Meat & Livestock worldwide market