Testimonials / Acknowledgements
AFR Testimonial

Hi Brett,
As I mentioned early in our discussions, I think your idea is a good one & you should be commended for it.
‘…your idea has the potential to provide significant benefit for all Australian
cattle producers…I do hope you are successful with your plans…’
Cheers, Jason
Jason Strong – Managing Director – Meat & Livestock Australia
Dear Brett,
‘…I wish you well in your future endeavours to highlight, particularly to governments, the benefits of agricultural insurance in general & multi-peril livestock insurance in particular.’
Richard Feledy – CEO – Allianz Australia Insurance

What first struck me about Brett is what an articulate and engaging young man he is. He has wisdom that belies his years.
In my life of politics and international affiars you meet a lot of people who can ‘talk’ and far fewer who can listen and arrive at sound conclusions, often without needing ‘war & piece’ size backgrounds on any particular matter.
OBA Consulting’s genuine desire to better prepare this country and its farmers against the financial and emotional toll drought takes is as evident in liasions with Brett as is his experience in farming and insurance ideal to enable him to do something meaningful about it.
Clearly the work OBA Consulting is doing is important and in a field that will become increasingly more important in the years ahead, with many people relying on it.
It is a pleasure knowing and catching up with Brett and I wish he and OBA Consulting well on their journey.
Prof. Joe M Siracusa
Professor Siracusa is a regular commentator in the media within Australian and globally for both commercial and public broadcasters,
including ABC Television and Radio, CNN, BBC, and SKY News. He has been widely interviewed and written op-ed and feature pieces on international diplomacy, foreign policy, terrorism, great power competition, and nuclear non-proliferation.
At Ascot Cattle Co. we welcome OBA Consulting’s voice of support in assisting farmers
to change the status quo on Livestock Drought Insurance in Australia.
Brett’s Fellow status within the Insurance sector combined with direct experience in the Cattle industry as a former registered breeder with Angus Australian ideally positions him as a voice of knowledge and prominence on Livestock Drought Insurance.
Livestock Drought Insurance for farmers and graziers has long been an omission
in Government policy in Australia, unlike our international Agricultural counterparts.
Brett’s passion for the matter is evident by the many hours of his own personal time & expense spent lobbying Governments and industry bodies to adopt an insurance scheme in Australia to de-risk the rural industry, something that is sorely needed
Jim Wedge owner of Ascot Cattle Co.
News Article – 04/10/2019 – featuring Jim Wedge
Farmers push for Industry-funded Insurance Scheme – 2600 | Sky News Australian
Farmers battling one of the worst droughts in living memory have called on the Coalition
to create an insurance scheme to stop regional communities from dying – 4/10/2019
Brett your work within Livestock and Drought insurance is truly impressive
and will only assist to build genuine resilience within Australian Farming.
At the Australian Security Academy we partner with a variety of property owners, cattle and sheep producers as well as specialist or intensive crop growers, as ultimately our graduates will be required to operate within these environments.
Understanding the relevant issues facing stock and crops, weed control, flood and fire risk, transport logistics and machinery maintenance is integral to operational success in seasonally dependent, unforgiving environments.
Your work and knowledge is substantial and integral to that success.
Sincerely, Mike Evans, CEO, Australian Security Academy

“The work Brett O’Brien and OBA Consulting are doing to promote a deepening of agricultural insurance markets in Australian is incredibly important for the future of the country and its agriculture.
Finance and farming go hand-in-hand; they always have. If Australian wants to have a farming future, it has to guarantee farmers access to the finance they need, and that is only possible through affordable insurance.“
Salvatore Babones is an American sociologist, associate professor at the University of Sydney, and an expert in the areas of Chinese and American economy and society. His research is related to macro-level structure of the world economy, with a particular focus on China’s global economic integration. He is an author of several books, numerous academic articles, and a contributor to Foreign Affairs, Al Jazeera English and Truthout.
Former editor and host of The 7:30 Report and Four Corners, 6 time Walkley award winning iconic Australian journalist,
Kerry on Livestock Drought insurance in Australian states:

Andrew has the following to say about OBA Consulting:
“Creating a product to underpin livestock production in Australian is long overdue. Not only will it significantly improve farmers productivity and profitability in time of disaster, the risk transfer will be far more effective than the current ad-hoc approach the Federal government is currently using for farm businesses.
The Federal Government needs to come together with Brett (OBA Consulting) to find a solution.”

Mark Sheller
“I have worked with Brett on various projects over the last five or so years.
What has always impressed me has been his ability to seamlessly blend a deep understanding of insurance law and commercial common sense.
That is a great skill.
It has always been a pleasure to work with Brett.
With an appreciation and admiration form Australian Agriculture instilled in me by my parents Sheller Legal supports the work OBA Consulting is doing for the betterment of Australian Agriculture”

OBA Consulting is a B2B Consultancy Operation.
We do not provide any advice to the general public whatsoever in relation to general insurance products.