Our Ethos of altruism:

‘’It is said in life it is important to leave things, including your life,
in a better state than you inherited them.

Currently Australian Farmers cannot readily insure their precious Livestock
against the peril of Drought on the mainstream.  Australian insurance market the mainstream market does not offer such cover.

Introducing insurance to mainstream Australian insurance market against Drought for Farmers who lose stock consequent to Drought would improve livelihood of farmers, the farming landscape in this great country of ours for the current farming generation and those to follow’’

Brett O’Brien
Managing Director OBA Consulting

Science has no agenda:

“We have got to get ahead of the issues around Drought and build some
genuine resilience – Livestock Drought insurance being a key pillar
within a wholistic resilience plan”

Brett O’Brien – Managing Director OBA Consulting


“Whilst sadly it is impossible to eliminate Livestock loss
due to Drought being able to purchase feed subsequent
to access to funds via Livestock Drought Insurance could
quite literally be lifesaving for Farmers and their Cattle”

“Whilst sadly it is impossible to eliminate Livestock loss due to Drought
being able to purchase feed subsequent to access to funds via Livestock
Drought Insurance could quite literally be lifesaving for Farmers and their Cattle”

Brett O’Brien – Managing Director OBA Consulting

“Noting Australia is currently ranked 3rd in terms of Developed Countries,
are we going to take responsibility for protecting our Cattle resources?
The responsibility should not rest with the Government to cyclically,
reactively hand out tax payer funded bail out packages
. Nor should the
Government rely on tax payer funded bail out packages to secure re-election.
Insurers including re-insurers require Government assistance to
be able to provide responsible Pastoralists the option to insure their
Livestock against Drought. Tax payer funded bail out packages subsequent to
foreseeable events are reactive and not the actions of responsible nations

Brett O’Brien – Managing Director OBA Consulting

Less reliance, more resilience – 19th May 2020

“In terms of Australian agriculture exports to China namely beef and barley,
Australia needs to methodically correct the imbalance between reliance
and resilience, in doing so maintaining supply chains into Asia
and not decimating income to our farmers.”

“OBA Consulting unreservedly supports this initiative and commends the
NSWDPI and NFF for carrying out this exceptionally meritorious work”

OBA Consulting has been invited to partake in this project:

“Australian Farmers do not plan to fail, nonetheless not insuring Livestock
for the financial impacts of Extreme Weather is
ultimately failing to adequately plan”

Brett O’Brien 1980’s Corangamite, Victoria

“The next Drought begins the day after the last one ends”

In terms of the recent overturning of live exports ban in Australia OBA Consulting supports this decision.

More so however OBA Consulting advocates for ALL transport of livestock to be carried out with the animal’s welfare of utmost importance.

This includes ALL methods of conveyance be they Vessel, Aircraft, Road, Rail or whatever.

Our livestock’s welfare must be of primary importance to producer, carter, processor and all members of the supply chain.

Those not in step with the above should be identified, penalised, with recidivists charged and ostracised.

At OBA Consulting we not only advocate for the ‘humane’ treatment of livestock however the ethical treatment that absolutely makes the animals well-being a priority.

OBA Consulting supports the ethical treatment of animals including the:

banning of bull fighting here

Whilst many Australian’s within the non-rural community, understandably tire of hearing of Farmers woes, the reality is that what decimates our Agriculture sector, including however not limited to Drought, is economically felt nation-wide by the vast majority of Australian’s.

It’s worth bearing in mind also that whether you are vegan, vegetarian, carnivore or other its highly likely somewhere in your nutrition supply chain that you will have had much less than 6 degrees of separation from the people (Australian Farmers) who grow the fresh fruit & vegetables, wheat, barley, herbs, poultry, dairy and meat most of ‘us’ enjoy and require from within ‘our’ world class Agriculture sector.

Brett O’Brien – Managing Director OBA Consulting

The below quote, originally from Dante Alighieri, is one that resonates with Brett:

‘The industry (Agriculture) would greatly benefit from more women
in senior roles within Agriculture furthermore the industry requires
far more leadership that is far less prioritised by glaring vested interests’

OBA Managing Director Brett O’Brien 

‘Whether we like it or not we must embrace diversification of exportation
channels and supply chains – furthermore the sooner we evolve to such
the better off and more resilient we (Australia) will be.’

Insuring livestock for drought not only has the potential for pastoralists to safeguard ‘house hold income’ in the form of the market value of the animal in the event of mortality, importantly a policy provision for the ‘purchase of feed’ may also assist in preventing the animal(s) from perishing, ultimately assisting in its welfare / survival.

OBA MD Brett O’Brien 

During an interview with the Australian Security Academy (ASA) of the 5th February 2021 OBA Consulting MD, Brett O’Brien, was asked & responded as follows:

Mike Evans – ASA CEO – Question:

                      ‘If you could have your industry (Insurance) / association do something to assist your industry what would that be?’

Brett O’Brien – OBA Consulting Managing Director – Answer:

                      ‘I think as an industry (Insurance) & I can draw Drought as an example & also Covid, whilst we are all a bit Covid fatigued it’s certainly not going anywhere, I think as an industry we need to be in more partnerships with the Government, similar to the ARPC which is the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation that responds to Terrorism Risks, so I think as a country and really across the board, we are talking about overseas now as well I think we would be benefited by and if I use bushfires as an example course we’ve got Perth, we had Melbourne yet no corner of Australia seems to be immune from it, unfortunately, I think we need more partnerships at a Government level or more synergy between the industry (Insurance) & Government to be sort of working on these as collectives, and I would like to clarify that’s no criticism of any entity to date, yet more collaboration between industry and Government to address large scale risks.’

The above and other excerpts from this interview can be viewed in this short video along with related material generated between February and April 2021