Dear Valued Interested Persons,
Being the world’s only internationally recognised, operational, Livestock Drought insurance program of scale and one that has been operating for over a decade OBA Consulting again refers to the Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP).
Reported as of 10th September 2019 Drought-stricken Kenyan Livestock farmers are set to receive $2.88M US ($4.23M AUD) from the Kenyan Government under the Kenya Livestock Insurance Programme (KLIP).
As such, a cumulative total of 15,000 households will benefit from this payout that will be paid immediately to assist farmers to secure feed for their Livestock – full article here
The involvement of the Kenyan Government in the KLIP is not dissimilar to the submission OBA Consulting submitted to the Australian Government in June 2019 that it be involved in the administration of a pool funds for Livestock Drought insurance – as it is in relation to Terrorism:
Additionally Enock Omweri for online Kenyan news publication The Star ( on the 24th August 2019 writes (full article attached in PDF):
Whilst it is no longer front page news in Australia it was only 6 months ago Australia lost 1/56th of its 28,000,000 head of Cattle – here

With historic and current news issues around the Murray-Darling Basin and with 70% of Australia’s Cattle on the East coast what toll could a huge Drought take on Australia’s Cattle numbers……(?)
What impact would this have on our Red Meat export industry if these Livestock were not financially able to be replaced?

The USA recently allocated $3BUS ($4.3BAUD) for ‘Disaster’ funding to be made available, subject to eligibility, to farmers – this metric is not dissimilar to Australia’s $3B Drought relief package – its focus is on crop not Livestock – announcement: here