Livestock Drought Insurance:
The importance of the Australian Governments support of Agriculture Insurance Products
Dear Readers, Further to update of April 27th 2020 here in which OBA described the Australian Government’s response to Covid-19 as ‘insuring’ part of the financial impact(s), for which it could be said again [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – Blood Lines & March 2020 Rainfall Report
Dear Readers, People often conclude the answer for pastoralists in times of Drought is to simply ‘sell off stock’. Consider however that in addition to, in some cases, getting $10 per head at the saleyards, farmers spend years creating [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – NSW DPI response to OBA Consulting
Dear Readers, In our update of 19th January 2020 we referred to Adam Marshall MP. Received 27th February 2020, below is the response received from the NSW Department of Primary Industries:
Livestock Drought Insurance – Pasture Rangeland & Forage program (USA)
Dear Readers, It is interesting to note the following sales collateral from noted specialist rural insurers in Australia that, as at February 2020, do not offer Drought cover for Livestock within their Livestock offerings: WFI – ‘Chose the level [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – Australian & New Zealand Institute of Insurance & Finance article 31st January 2020
Dear Readers, Please find below article released on the 31st January 2020 from the Australian & New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) featuring OBA Consulting Managing Director, Brett O’Brien: ANZIIF is considered the Asia-Pacific regions leading education, [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – Livestock transportation costs
Dear Readers, Further to article below of 10th December 2019 a provision of the Livestock Drought Insurance policy, excerpt below, OBA Consulting proposes includes a provision for insuring clause 2. ‘Livestock transportation costs’: Full article here [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – Adam Marshall MP
Dear Readers, Adam Marshall MP has recently, December 2019, featured in publications touching on similar matters to OBA Consulting MD, Brett O’Brien, from April 2019: April 2019: Full article here Full article here [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – Calves selling for $10 each and national Cattle numbers their lowest since the 1990’s
Dear Readers, Australia’s Cattle numbers fall from circa 27,000,0000 to circa 25,000,000 and Calves selling for $10AUD each. Please find story of 8th January 2020 from ABC’s 7:30 Report A provision of the Livestock Drought Insurance policy, excerpt below, [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – why aren’t Australian farmers getting a proportionate Livestock Drought Insurance ‘lick’?
Dear Valued Interested Persons, Why aren’t Australian Farmers getting a fair Livestock Drought Insurance lick? Australia is the world’s 7th largest producer of Red Meat, 1 of only 5 countries that has more Cattle than people yet we do [...]
Livestock Drought Insurance – how the Drought is effecting Agricultural shares on the ASX
Dear Valued Interested Persons, Please find as follows from November 2019 AFR in relation the Drought and its impact on Agriculture shares on the ASX In March and May 2019 OBA Consulting referred to losses incurred by [...]
28th October 2019 – Resilience
Dear Valued Interested Persons, As Australian Farmers continue utilisation and exploration into Drought tolerant crops are we going to do anything with Livestock to build genuine resilience to Drought? Farmers in Northern Territory and other regions of Australia run [...]
21st October 2019 – The effects of drought on Cattle
The effect of Drought on Cattle would seem obvious from the often gut wrenching images we see on the news and particularly for those less fortunate who experience it firsthand. Nonetheless looking a little closer is a worthwhile exercise as the effect runs deep [...]
15th October 2019 – House Question Time
Dear Valued Interested Persons, Please find link to a 10 minute video package from House Question Time discussing Drought from Tuesday the 15th of October 2019: here Pleasing to hear The Hon. Scott Morrison [...]
14th October 2019 – Concept Proposal Form
Dear Valued Interested Persons, Over coming weeks OBA Consulting will be meeting with a number of prominent Australian General Insurers to submit a concept proposal form we have designed for Livestock Drought Insurance - attached. Whilst this is not the [...]
26th September 2019 – Theft of livestock
Dear Valued Interested Persons, In a former update of the 8th September 2019 we referenced the insurable Peril of ‘Theft’ - here This week Victoria Police announced increased measures to assist Farms experiencing Theft including Theft of Livestock - here This again highlights that all major insurable Perils are available [...]
September 2019 – White Line Fever
Dear Valued Interested Persons, White line fever is an Australian term used to describe the radical change in a person's behaviour when stepping onto a sporting arena to play, aka stepping over the 'white line'. Is this a bad [...]
September 2019 – Thank You for Speaking Out For Bulls
Dear Valued Interested Persons, It is with a lasting sense of shame that 20 years ago last month I recall participating in the infamous and equally inhumane 'festival' known as 'Running with the bulls' in Pamplona, Spain, 1998 - [...]
September 2019 – Drought Sticken Kenyan Livestock Farmers to Receive $2.88M US
Dear Valued Interested Persons, Being the world’s only internationally recognised, operational, Livestock Drought insurance program of scale and one that has been operating for over a decade OBA Consulting again refers to the Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP). Reported [...]
September 2019 – Mongolia Drought in 2018 Claimed 700k
Dear Valued Interested Persons, In Mongolia last year Drought and other weather related factors associated with it claimed 700,000 head of Livestock – please find story here The BBC documentary series Extreme World referenced this extensively in an episode [...]
August 2019 – Insurance Update August 2019
Dear Valued Interested Persons, On the 22nd of July 2019 Senator The Hon Bridget McKenzie was kind enough to send a letter to OBA Consulting – we look forward to working with Bridget and her Department as The Australian [...]
August 2019 – Livestock and the ILRI
Dear Valued Interested Persons, The ILRI: Over recent weeks Brett has been in liaison with Dr Andrew Mude, Principal Economist at The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Kenya: Please find a 7 minute video featuring Andrew discussing [...]
August 2019 – Where Would We Be Without Cattle
Dear Valued Interested Persons, You don’t have to love or rely on Cattle, nor be a Rocket Scientist to see how valuable they are. The below diagram references 82 products used by humans made from Cattle………..: ……….without [...]
August 2019 – How Bad Is the Current Drought in NSW
Dear Valued Interested Persons, How bad is the current drought in NSW? Pleas click here for a 4:10 sec video on the matter. Would being able to insure Livestock against Drought Sooth the Beast………...? Or will we [...]
June 2019 – Women in Agricultural Leadership Roles
Dear Valued Interested Persons, OBA Consulting expresses its support of the article in the Australian Financial Review of 31st May 2019 here titled ‘Farming boss says boys' club has had its day’. OBA Managing Director Brett O’Brien believes: [...]
May 2019 – ABC News Update
Dear Valued Interested Persons, Please find link to an important recent ABC news story with respect to Livestock Risk Transfer here Key points: AACo, Australia’s largest pastrol company, confirms loss of $182 million in its full year financial results [...]