Achieved Updates2021-01-21T18:18:45+10:00

28th October 2019 – Resilience

October 28th, 2019|Categories: Updates|

Dear Valued Interested Persons, As Australian Farmers continue utilisation and exploration into Drought tolerant crops are we going to do anything with Livestock to build genuine resilience to Drought? Farmers in Northern Territory and other regions of Australia run [...]

14th October 2019 – Concept Proposal Form

October 14th, 2019|Categories: Updates|

Dear Valued Interested Persons, Over coming weeks OBA Consulting will be meeting with a number of prominent Australian General Insurers to submit a concept proposal form we have designed for Livestock Drought Insurance - attached. Whilst this is not the [...]

26th September 2019 – Theft of livestock

September 26th, 2019|Categories: Updates|

Dear Valued Interested Persons, In a former update of the 8th September 2019 we referenced the insurable Peril of ‘Theft’ - here This week Victoria Police announced increased measures to assist Farms experiencing Theft including Theft of Livestock - here This again highlights that all major insurable Perils are available [...]

September 2019 – White Line Fever

September 24th, 2019|Categories: Updates|

Dear Valued Interested Persons, White line fever is an Australian term used to describe the radical change in a person's behaviour when stepping onto a sporting arena to play, aka stepping over the 'white line'. Is this a bad [...]

August 2019 – Livestock and the ILRI

August 25th, 2019|Categories: Updates|

Dear Valued Interested Persons, The ILRI: Over recent weeks Brett has been in liaison with Dr Andrew Mude, Principal Economist at The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Kenya: Please find a 7 minute video featuring Andrew discussing [...]

May 2019 – ABC News Update

May 30th, 2019|Categories: Updates|

Dear Valued Interested Persons, Please find link to an important recent ABC news story with respect to Livestock Risk Transfer here Key points: AACo, Australia’s largest pastrol company, confirms loss of $182 million in its full year financial results [...]